I Get By With Help From Friends


It takes some help to get rid of years of stress lines. Now in my 40s, I have the wisdom to know I must ask for help when I come up against something I can’t DIY. No matter what fabulous skin care I used the deep forehead lines and the lines between eyebrows just got deeper. When I applied makeup the foundation would settle in the lines making them more evident.

I take so many pictures for work and I found myself focusing on the deep lines in every photo. I used extreme filters on the photos to blot them out. I grew bangs to cover them up. Once the lines grew so deep between my eyes I could no longer mask them with bangs. 

I derma rolled, exfoliated, tried to hydrate them, all to no avail. After a friend suggested a trip to her favorite med spa, I started to look at real results of women on social media posts. Some of them looked as if the wrinkles and lines were literally erased.

I was shocked that injections could actually work that well. 

I proceeded to ask trusted friends and customers about injections. Their feedback was always positive! Their beautiful relaxed faces showed me that it could really make a difference in my over all appearance. I started to believe that there might be something to this idea of softening lines to achieve a more rested fresh look.

I took the plunge with aesthet.icare medspa https://greatskinkc.com/, and the photos speak for themselves:

Forehead lines before and after

Lines between brows

This photo was taken in my car right after I left my last filler appointment. Tiny marks on my head from Botox, and redness from filler injections are covered by makeup. I can’t believe how fast fillers work. You literally walk out looking like you took years off your face. 

I went through my iPad and ran across this old photo that I swore I would never post. I look worn out. Even with a ton of makeup on, I look tired. Stressed.

I mean WOW! Look at the difference now:

No filter needed now folks:

Even with very minimal makeup on, I look much more rested. 

I would recommend this process to anyone looking for a face pick me up. I have been feeling more free and confident since the treatment. I will be maintaining the Botox when needed for sure. I can wear my hair pulled back with the focus on my overall face not my lines.

The treatments are done in easy practically pain free appointments. Many can be done in one visit. Professionals like Ardeth (my fabulous injector) at aestheti.care medspa https://greatskinkc.com/ know how much, and how frequently to maintain treatments to gain desired results. She was gentle and patient with me. I am grateful for help from professionals that give me much needed support. I actually felt loved after I left. Doing something that gives me confidence left me feeling a new pep in my step.

Please feel free to message me with questions. 

If you desire to learn more about Botox/Dysport and learn more about dermal fillers you can visit :  aestheti.care medspa page: 

Botox and Dysport

Dermal Fillers



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1 comment

  • Thank you for sharing! You look amazing ♡

    • Kelly Dawn